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Still is the Night

Lyricist - Sophia Green

Sheet music here, including composer and history of this carol.

Still is the Night
00:00 / 03:17


Still is the night, stars Heaven light!
Earth slumbers deep, quiet Peace keeps
watch o'er one tender mother and babe,
rocking it gently to sleep sound and safe,
Sleep in Heavenly peace,
sleep in Heavenly peace!


Still is the night, stars Heaven light!
Morning will come, with Faith, our day won.
Love, move our hearts with the new risen sun,
to care for all children on Earth as our own.
God's gift of life we hold dear!
God's gift of life we hold dear!


Still is the night, stars Heaven light!
Long grows the day; falt'ring we stray.
Earth our sins of the past shall hard pay.
Rise up, cast greed and sloth from our way!
Sacrifice comfort and ease!
Sacrifice comfort and ease!


Still is the night, stars Heaven light!

Setting sun, Day's work done;

yet our courage and purpose stay long.

Care for Creation here now and to come!

Courage our Savior, reborn!

Courage our Savior, reborn!



Still is the night, stars Heaven light!

God of All, God of Life,

guide us justly to love you aright,

wield with wisdom pow'r placed in our might as

Stewards of Creation on Earth,

Stewards of Creation on Earth!

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